Who We Are

New Covenant Worship
Creative Instruments of Worship Inspired by Scripture

My name is Wanda Starczynski. In April of ’98, the Lord called me into the Banner Ministry. He began by showing me streamers, flags and other worship items. I started sewing them, although I did not understand much about this type of worship.

In July of ’98, I went on a mission trip to Honduras. During that two-week period, the Lord explained more fully the meaning of this form of worship. He is reintroducing the Davidic style of worship and bringing deeper expression and freedom to the Body of Christ through banners, flags and dance. He instructed me in priority changes that I had to make at home and in simplifying my personal life. As I obeyed the Lord the doors opened for the sale of the worship items. I have given up a successful forty year tailoring career to embark on this endeavor for the Lord.

Now the gift of sewing He gave me at birth is being used for His glory.

Our Products

Our Mission

at New Covenant Worship

We specialize in creative instruments of worship inspired by Scripture in the Davidic order of Worship. It is our mission to design beautiful items (Dance Wear, Flags, Streamers, Praise Rings & Ovals, Tabrets and Tambourines) that will be lifted in Praise to our Loving Father.

We would like to see the body of Christ free to express their Praise and Worship in new and wonderful ways including bringing the art of Dance, Singing and the waving of Banners back to a needy world.

Gallery of Work

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